• word of the day


    cadaver - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cadaver

    (noun) the dead body of a human being
    Synonyms : clay , corpse , remains , stiff
    Example Sentence
    • the cadaver was intended for dissection
    • the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse
    • the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river
    • honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cadaver

Cadaver = CADET (kada = ganda) + WAR...a cadet killed at war...hence his corpse and his corpse was flowwing in a river (cada+ver)

in harry potter, the strongest spell,, abra ka daver,,,(cadever),,, kills the person, leaving the body dead

caDAVER- daver in this word,brings us to mind,devru(god).after death,people who are lucky will reach god

कद्दावर आदमी की लाश

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CAD:computer aided design,aversion:hatred.AVERsion towards CAD made him penniless hence died of hunger i.e. lying as a corpse

sounds like kadevar( kadevar in marathi)...Vikram-Vetal ka comics mein vetal hamesha vikram ke kadevar tha and vetal was a corpse

Cadet died in war and he became VEER...VEER MARAN

(Kannada) - devva means ghost, cadaver is ca-devva-er

cadaver rhymes with kalebar which means dead body skeleton.so cadaver means dead body

cadaver in marathi v can portray it as cade var lash gheun chala ahai.

aver people studying CAD will be like dead body

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