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    boorish - Dictionary definition and meaning for word boorish

    (adj) ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance
    Example Sentence
    • was boorish and insensitive
    • the loutish manners of a bully
    • her stupid oafish husband
    • aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boorish

boor means =bura .... ill mannered... so make adj boorish..!..:)

every one sounds BOO towards RUDE and INSENSITIVE persons

Hindi for old women is BOORI.Everyone feel rude and insensitive to the oldish (Hindi-booriSH)people.

boorish ....boo= bul.and ish = shit... so we say bulshit to a rude insensitive and ill mannered person...:)

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bootulu tittuvadu

It's very rude to boo someone who is trying to present his/her work.

BOOR , BOORISH; mean the same, remember the root word, BOOR;rude,ill-mannered

boorish looks like Boo-rich. A boo rich event/person is characterized by a lot of booing and thus is ill-mannered, coarse and insensitive.


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