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    blase - Dictionary definition and meaning for word blase

    (adj) very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world
    Synonyms : worldly
    Example Sentence
    • the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as `the pond'
    • the benefits of his worldly wisdom
    (adj) uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence
    Synonyms : bored
    Example Sentence
    • his blase indifference
    • a petulant blase air
    • the bored gaze of the successful film star
    (adj) nonchalantly unconcerned
    Example Sentence
    • a blase attitude about housecleaning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blase


blase sounds similar baasa... which inhindi means purana ... like basa food means food that is not fresh so basa food no body eats....like old food ...so its like purana ,old,something we r bored of..

BLASE-(B)obby LAYS all day. so he is unconcerned and a boring personality.

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blase -- close to words blast - whenever someone feels bored or uninterested we say go out and have a blast.

whenever i see a BLack ASE(ass) i feel bored and uninterested

BLASE: B(become) + LASE(less) interested that is we are bored

You can compare it with "PASSE"

remember your BOSS, assigned some work to you, and you are bored to do it.

blase sounds like baass (enough, stop now)!! so when u had enough u get bored and say baass!!

blase - if something keeps blazing at you again and again, then you become blased about it.

BE it LAYS or kurkure, we are bored from all these

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