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    blandish - Dictionary definition and meaning for word blandish

    (verb) praise somewhat dishonestly
    Synonyms : flatter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blandish

When someone is bland, they must flatter others and not be themselves to get others to like them.

sounds like BLONDE-ish ---> ur try to 'flatter' a gul by praising her

I couldn't keep myself from BLANDISHing the pretty BLONDish girl,and as a result, I'm getting laid tonight!

blandish = bland+ dish. you saying to a girl instead its not bland dish, its very tasty just to praise her

summing all those up, when you come across a blondeish girl you suddenly look really blandish compared to the blondish so you have to truly become a "bland" and blandish to her in order to win her over

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