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    benign - Dictionary definition and meaning for word benign

    (adj) not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor) Definition
    (adj) pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence
    Synonyms : benignant
    Example Sentence
    • a benign smile
    • the benign sky
    • the benign influence of pure air
    (adj) kindness of disposition or manner
    Example Sentence
    • the benign ruler of millions
    • benign intentions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for benign

benign- bene(good) + sign

opposite of malign

Cloud number nine (BY Bryan adams) . so nign or nine is good. Benign is to be pleasant, good etc.

Benign sounds like B9 ~ BNice .. Therefore kind

read it as BEGIN: u begin something when its favorable/good..or when a tumor is in the beginning stage, its not dangerous

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rhymes after Quinine--the panacea for Malaria-->+ve in all sense

to BE on cloud NINE, we have to be gentle and kind with everyone

benign sounds like begin; this kind of beginning is favorable and beneficial for our all future projects.

benign * malign

its always better if beginning should be favorable to us

lets break it this way be+nice which is kind

Word used in video below:
text: it's a benign something or other nothing
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