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    beneficent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word beneficent

    (adj) doing or producing good
    Example Sentence
    • the most beneficent regime in history
    (adj) generous in assistance to the poor
    Example Sentence
    • a benevolent contributor
    • eleemosynary relief
    • philanthropic contributions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beneficent

Simply think about beneficial(something gives benefit) which help people.

ben+eficent--eficent sounds like efficient--> efficient people are the ones who does good or produces good.

sounds like BEEN EFFICIENT: so he/she(s) been doing good..

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beneficent In cartoon network ben(ben10) is very eficient and always do good things and is kind to people.

Ben means always good.. So, whatever word starts from Ben means good.. Mal is bad like Malevolent..

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