• word of the day


    bellicose - Dictionary definition and meaning for word bellicose

    (adj) having or showing a ready disposition to fight
    Synonyms : battleful , combative
    Example Sentence
    • bellicose young officers
    • a combative impulse
    • a contentious nature
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bellicose

lets break bellicose as belli + cose ...belli we can remember as sumo's with huge bellis will fight (wrestleling) each other.....so belli-cose means a warlike

BELLY+CAUSE....if you are not able to get food to eat you will fight for your belly and you will be bellicose

Belli ~ Billi (cat); two Billi (cats) very close about to attack : billi-close::bellicose

A hill between between two countries has a holy bell on top of it. The constant fights across the border as to who should own the BELL is the CAUSE of warlike situation.

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bellicose = belly+cause, if you see belly of any girl it can be a cause for warlike situation between you and her bf

remember the movie kungfu panda in which the panda uses his belly to FIGHT. :)

Bellicose sounds like varicose. Varicose veins are enlarged and tortuous vein. Your veins get large and tortuous when you're ready to fight.

Bellicose ~ Glucose , Two child are about to fight for glucose.

BELLY full of gluCOSE!! full of glucose; you are energetic,,,,want to fight!!!!!!!!!!

belli+cose ~ cose sounds like cause, a small fight can become a cause of warlike situation...

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