• word of the day


    barb - Dictionary definition and meaning for word barb

    (noun) an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect
    Synonyms : dig , gibe , jibe , shaft , shot , slam
    Example Sentence
    • his parting shot was `drop dead'
    • she threw shafts of sarcasm
    • she takes a dig at me every chance she gets
    (noun) the pointed part of barbed wire Definition
    (noun) a subsidiary point facing opposite from the main point that makes an arrowhead or spear hard to remove Definition
    (noun) one of the parallel filaments projecting from the main shaft of a feather Definition
    (verb) provide with barbs
    Example Sentence
    • barbed wire
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for barb

Imagine a 'barb-e-que' being prepared with the help of a needle-like-stick..

barb sounds like BARBER-so remember tat BARBER will be having SHARP scissors

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

barber uses scissor to cut your hair so barb can be taken from it as a cutting remark.

generally we call a barb(for laying fencing)wire hence it refers to sharp thick which is projected on a wire and hence it can openly cut ...

BEst example wld be an BarbWIre Used for fencing for protection against theft...!!

imagine a barbarian running with sharp objects in hand and shouting cutting remarks

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