• word of the day


    atrocity - Dictionary definition and meaning for word atrocity

    (noun) the quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane Definition
    (noun) an act of atrocious cruelty
    Synonyms : inhumanity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for atrocity

divide it like.atro(sounds like metro)+city ...and we always get the news of brutel and cruel behaviour ..from METRO (ATRO)CITIES...

Remember TROY-CITY, if have seen the Hollywood movie Troy, you can remember this easily.In Troy, Greek destroyed everything,killed thousands of unarmed man,children etc

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atro + city -- city where cruel (brutal) acts are done

1. भारी दुष्टता 2. अत्याचार (m) 3. नृशंसता (f) 4. महाप&

remember the law of atrocity in India---the law for inhumanity

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