• word of the day


    aristocracy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word aristocracy

    (noun) a privileged class holding hereditary titles
    Synonyms : nobility
    (noun) the most powerful members of a society
    Synonyms : gentry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aristocracy

aristotle was the most powerful member of the science society

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arito(tle)+cracy, aristotle was the noble philosopher, cracy - rule, so government by noble

aristrocart is a alcohol.. which is very costly and hence only rich or privileged ppl drink

Remember by the famous liquor : ARISTOCRAT since its very costly, only UPPER CASS ppl can have it..

aristo(tle)+crazy. the family of aristotle makes m very crazy.here family of aristotle is a hereditiary noble thing.

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text: the aristocracy has not survived by its
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