• word of the day


    apropos - Dictionary definition and meaning for word apropos

    (adj) of an appropriate or pertinent nature Definition
    (adv) at an opportune time
    Synonyms : seasonably , timely , well-timed
    Example Sentence
    • your letter arrived apropos
    (adv) introducing a different topic; in point of fact
    Example Sentence
    • incidentally, I won't go to the party
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apropos

apropos sounds like "Propose" This issue is faced by many teenage boys/girls :) When is the right time to propose to a Girl/Boy you love? Hence apropos is an opportune moment or right moment/time.

apropos ~ apro + pos ~ appropriate + position - appropriate + situation...

split it like a+propos.sounds like..propose...and you propose a plan in your office related to or concerning to" how to increse sales of product.."

apropos=a+pro(program)+pos(position) a program conducted by a news paper in order to inform position of some xyz person.

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APROPOS OF<===> के संदर्भ में (pr. \\ke sanadarbh men \\ )[Noun]

sounds also similar to purpose.... so if you have .a. purpose .or aim.to do something you wait...for the opportune time to come..

A means one, pro always means bettter , pos means position is always good for right person

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