• word of the day


    appraise - Dictionary definition and meaning for word appraise

    (verb) evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
    Synonyms : assess , evaluate , measure , valuate , value
    Example Sentence
    • I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional
    • access all the factors when taking a risk
    (verb) consider in a comprehensive way
    Synonyms : survey
    Example Sentence
    • He appraised the situation carefully before acting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for appraise

appraise -consider praise and price --what is the price of praise which u cant say but u can estimate..

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appRAISE- raise=estimate whether rise in value or not!

app(up)+raise(rise)= up rising salary we need to ESTIMATE and SURVEY the work done

The Manager APPRISED(informed) about the APPRAISAL(performance evaluation) to the Employee..

Appraise...before the praise we should judge!!

appraise dicusiion done whn raising d price and apprise is notify whn d price have already risen

app + raise; I send an application to my employer to raise my salary. Now, they will estimate my work value and will decide accordingly.

AP+PRICE=application price,estimated value ie price of application

APPRAISE<===> मूल्यांकन करना (pr. \\mulyanakan karana \\ )[Verb]

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