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    appall - Dictionary definition and meaning for word appall

    (verb) strike with disgust or revulsion
    Example Sentence
    • The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends
    (verb) fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised
    Synonyms : alarm , appal , dismay , horrify
    Example Sentence
    • I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview
    • The news of the executions horrified us
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for appall

appall (aap + pale ho gaye) - in dismay

a+pal(in marathi it means lizard)...when u see lizard u r shocked

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appall ~ app + all; all applications. I was appalled (shocked) when my teacher told me to learn all applications of a software.

~appalam means papad in telugu and tamil.This is only word relating to papad here,i m deeply shocked about it.

App(sounds like Apes)+All. think of a situation where there is a sudden attach of all the Apes, u will be in deep shock.

appall sounds like : 'up all'..say when someone says stand "up all" ...you are "shocked" at their arrogance

appall = take it as apollo, when hear somebody went to apollo hospital u will get shock, because something went wrong

A FALL- when u fall, you probably get a shock that you have fallen

Appall- application all. "If your boss tells you to learn all applications, it will be a shock for you."

APPALL<===> नाराज़ होना (pr. \\naraja hona \\ )[Noun]

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