• word of the day


    apothecary - Dictionary definition and meaning for word apothecary

    (noun) a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apothecary

a+pot+he+cary - he carries drug(cocaine)hidden in a pot

I remember this word by rethinking about a scene in a Friends's episode of season 6 in which Rachel ordered a apothecary table and she riddled Chandler what does apothecary mean. Chandler said "a pharmacist"

a + pot + he + cary ~ imagine a pharmacist carrying drugs in a pot

dumb ppl......why do u want mnemonic for everything......use u r brains n create u r own....

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just consider "THE CARY"-THE CARING-like a druggist who gives u medicines and cares

sounds like allopathic-carry =allopathic medicine carry= a person who carries medicine= druggist

Word used in video below:
text: no it's my new apothecary table
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