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    apiarist - Dictionary definition and meaning for word apiarist

    (noun) a farmer who keeps bees for their honey
    Synonyms : apiculturist , beekeeper
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apiarist

apiarist- A-BEE-RIST

here p sounds like B- bee.. rist sounds like risk. Handling bees is a risk so a a-pia-rist

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A pianist, who puts bees (notes) in order by playing them as a tune. Think beeee sound like miii or tiiii. Do re mi fa sol la ti do. Notes are flying through his mind, but he can bring them out as a tune.

Flip p into b, a-bie-a-wrist, Wrists control hands, which control the bees.

APIARIST ===> a farmer who keeps bees for their honey[NOUN]

remember Little John in Robin Hood, he was an apiarist priest

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