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    airy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word airy

    (adj) open to or abounding in fresh air
    Synonyms : aired
    Example Sentence
    • airy rooms
    (adj) not practical or realizable; speculative
    Synonyms : impractical , laputan , visionary , windy
    Example Sentence
    • airy theories about socioeconomic improvement
    • visionary schemes for getting rich
    (adj) having little or no perceptible weight; so light as to resemble air
    Example Sentence
    • airy gauze curtains
    (adj) characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air
    Synonyms : aerial , aeriform , aery , ethereal
    Example Sentence
    • figures light and aeriform come unlooked for and melt away
    • aerial fancies
    • an airy apparition
    • physical rather than ethereal forms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for airy

for the other meanings (impractical, lofty, immaterial, unreal): think airy as HAWA MEIN.. as in hawa mein baat karna.. so immaterial baat karna

air + y; air itself relates to the meaning;

AIRY<===> हवादार (pr. \\havadar \\ )[Adjective] Example:My bosss cabin is well-lighted and airy. AIRY<===> लापरवाह (pr. \\laparavah \\ )[Noun]

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