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    agnostic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word agnostic

    (noun) someone who is doubtful or noncommittal about something
    Synonyms : doubter
    (noun) a person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist) Definition
    (adj) of or pertaining to an agnostic or agnosticism Definition
    (adj) uncertain of all claims to knowledge
    Synonyms : agnostical
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for agnostic

agnostic:we have nostic...its like nasthik in hindi which means a person who does not belive in god.

a - G - NO - stic => God No => Deny existance of god. But he is not sure. So confused about existance of god.

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agnostic-- opposite of diagnostic - diagnose is for learn reality - agnostic is deny reality

(agnostic ~ egnostic ~ ego)This word can be remembered from ego. One who has ego would always consider himself superior and would deny the existence of others.

In Greek agnostos is unknown. ag-nost- sounds a bit like not. which is to deny

EGO-stands for edging god out..

A G No Stic = Wife tells his husbands to purchase no stic from shop for God i.e has no belief in god.

AGNOSTIC<===> नास्तिवादी (pr. \\nastivadi \\ )[Noun] AGNOSTIC<===> अनीश्वरवादी (pr. \\anishvaravadi \\ )[Noun]

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