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    adulation - Dictionary definition and meaning for word adulation

    (noun) servile flattery; exaggerated and hypocritical praise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for adulation

adult boy flattering with his girlfriend.

add+u+later:she told me that she will add me later in yahoo messenger,so i need to FLATTER her to add me.

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adulation ~ ad + u + late; To act in an ad (advertisement) you came late, so producer became furious...in order to cool him u need to FLATTER him.

adulation: additional congratulations...

ADmiring congratULATIONs = ADULATION.

u get a word lesson sounding like that.. so when a kid doesnt do his lesson homework his mother butters him by saying that she would give him ice cream..so adulation

m: add+you+late---if someone ADD YOU LATE in team, you have to ADMIRE / FLATTER him

adulate: adults + late ,this can be memorise as adults always reaches their gf late,n after that adults flatter them

add u lotion, a girl add lotion to her body,so that she luks gud nd guys admire her beauty...

in a dull nation everyone FLATTERS the best no one works

ad(add) u(you) late(lat)-to get added later in list u have to praise other person i.e flattery

ADULATION<===> चापलूसी (pr. \\chapalusi \\ )[Noun] Example:Syeophants are experts in adulation. ADULATION<===> चाटूक्ति (pr. \\chaTukti \\ )[Noun] Example:Syeophants are experts in adulation.

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