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    acuity - Dictionary definition and meaning for word acuity

    (noun) sharpness of vision; the visual ability to resolve fine detail (usually measured by a Snellen chart) Definition
    (noun) a quick and penetrating intelligence
    Synonyms : acuteness , keenness , sharpness
    Example Sentence
    • he argued with great acuteness
    • I admired the keenness of his mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for acuity

a-CUIty,CUI seems like SUI{needle} in hindi,sui is sharp and penetrating...INTELLIGENT people are such-SHARP QUICK & PENETRATING

acuity....sounds like acute-means intelligent and quick and intelligence is nothing but sharpness of mind.

acuity .. when u tell it , it kinda sounds like ACUTE and hence the meaning

acuity ~ a +cute; just imagine a cute girl you met in train who only have external beauty but doesn't have sharpness of mind.

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Everyone at party was impressed by her cuteness (look) as well as acuteness (brain).

ACUITY= sounds like accuracy which menas sharpness.

acuity: a+cute: (cute) beautiful girls are often said as dumb,so they lack SHARPNESS in mind and senses

equity, we have to sharp in mind,hear,sight in investing wright one.

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