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    actuarial - Dictionary definition and meaning for word actuarial

    (adj) of or relating to the work of an actuary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for actuarial

dont give me rough value give me actual value by "calculating" it

actuarial sounds like factorial which implies doing calculation.

actual+arial=caluclating the cost of ARial

act-tutorial actuarial doing math stuff calculating

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Actual - as in calculating as actual

sounds like calcutarial

see 'actu' sounds like 'accu'RATE+'T'rial'(trail common word meaning test)so read it as 'acuurate test'

imagine that you are about to jump of a helicopter.. u calculate the ACTUAL ARIAL distance and time it takes u to fall down and hence determine if u die or not...

"actual"+"real"we get actual real value only by calculation

a person qualified to calculate commercial risks and probabilities involving uncertain future events, esp in such contexts as life assurance

factorial calculation regarding to insurance company

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