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    acrimonious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word acrimonious

    (adj) marked by strong resentment or cynicism
    Synonyms : bitter
    Example Sentence
    • an acrimonious dispute
    • bitter about the divorce
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for acrimonious

Acrimony= Take Acr as Acroo (hindi) and Mon as man(hindi) , so it means acroo man wala .acroo manner

a+cri+monious...take cri as cry.....stinging bitter words hurt and make people cry

acri + moni + ous ~ a crore money; excess of money, which can make someone bitter, harsh

a+crim+... recognize crim = criminal-who is bitter in words and manner

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acri like angry which creats bitterness in relation

acri means bitter

Acrimo+... sounds like Lachrymo+se (saddening). When you are sad, you are typically bitter or angry towards others

a+crim+onious...A CRIMe or an ONION both are BITTER :)

"acri"= acid "monious"= manners "acrimonious"= acid lik manners

words are acid many of ous talk

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