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    abstain - Dictionary definition and meaning for word abstain

    (verb) refrain from voting Definition
    (verb) choose not to consume
    Synonyms : desist , refrain
    Example Sentence
    • I abstain from alcohol
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abstain

ab+stain...we tend to stay away from stain....

this can be written as "ab+stai......and stai......sounds like stay.... and .. stay out of something means not involving in sth that doesn't concern to one.

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ab+stain ... Dell Steyn is a dangerous bowler .. batsman normaly dont want to cm in front of him

Focus on stain mom will scold us if we have some ud or ink stains on our dress .So,promise to mom i wont play in mud again(choose not to do something")

like in above case intentionally not using one's vote.means one knows that even if he/she uses thier votes politicians will never change hence they are concern about it and staying out of the voting process

ab (away) + stain = Mom asked me to be away from or not participate in the party due to stain

Steyn is an South African bowler with an ugly face.. so, ab+styen means stop looking at him, or withhold the participation.

abs + tain (train - trainer) : my abs trainer (in gym) advised me to abstain from alcohol and oily stuffs.

ab (meaning away) + stain : we generally tend to stay away from stain (dirt, dust etc)

Read ab+stain like ab+stay(means stop) i.e ab stop smoking

abstain-(ab+stain) also abdicate(ab+ dicate) both r 2 give up something you liked. abdicate can be related to dictatorship,& abstain can be related to stain which is not cherished. so u abdicate from monarch but abstain frm smokin

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