• word of the day


    chauvinist - Dictionary definition and meaning for word chauvinist

    (noun) a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his or her own kind Definition
    (noun) an extreme bellicose nationalist
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show over nationalist=Chauvinist(s0-v-nist)

sounds like surname chavhan..imagine some guy from chavhan group is very dominant about his group

chauvinist can be related be cheguvera.......who was an extreme belicose nationalist

chavuni+istha...thana chavuni deshanki istha anevadu ..really a blindly devoted patriot..

showynist who shows off.

That MALE Chauvanist Pig, feeling his kind is better than rest! Uski toh...


remember CHAUVO gurerro from WWE always trying to be superior over others with the help of vickie guurrero(EXCUSEEEEE ME....LOL)

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