• word of the day


    frugal - Dictionary definition and meaning for word frugal

    (adj) avoiding waste
    Synonyms : economical , scotch , sparing , stinting
    Example Sentence
    • an economical meal
    • an economical shopper
    • a frugal farmer
    • a frugal lunch
    • a sparing father and a spending son
    • sparing in their use of heat and light
    • stinting in bestowing gifts
    • thrifty because they remember the great Depression
    • `scotch' is used only informally
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for frugal

sounds like fru(threw) gal(girls)=>if no girl friends . no wastage of money

frugal..that is opposite to prodigal...which means wasteful

frugal sounds like free girl. girls generally dont pay bill. .eat for free. they dont waste their money

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Seeing that there are a small quanity of fruits at the table, he gulped down the fruits in a meager quantity.

Girls (gal) having fragile (sounds like frugal) hearts if Avoided by boys Waste their whole day grieving.

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