• word of the day


    disband - Dictionary definition and meaning for word disband

    (verb) cause to break up or cease to function
    Example Sentence
    • the principal disbanded the political student organization
    (verb) stop functioning or cohering as a unit
    Synonyms : dissolve
    Example Sentence
    • The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disband

band:[music band] music group.. disband is to break up and separate..

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Band as a verb means bind together, hence dis + band => disperse, dissolve.

DISBAND--->we very well know dat band of colors is called rainbow and it occurs due to DISPERSION....dats the meaning

disband sounds like this is banned, that means no longer in use


dis+banned-->dis is banned, no longer together.

dis+band=abandon which means to leave sb hence disband internally represents disperse.

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